It turns out if Esperanto is too other to be compared with Romance-based auxlangs, it is not very different from Ido and the other reform "projects" based on the language. Wikipedia alone lists more than half a dozen such "projects".
Of all of Esperanto derivatives (including Esperanto), Old Esperanto (Arcaicam Esperanto) is the most, well, "archaic!" It has got four cases and the appearance is commanding.
I sincerely doubt if Romániço really belongs to this group. It is the odd case out. It is beautiful and unlike Esperanto and other derivatives, it is, at least to some extent, recognisable at first sight. Perhaps we always need an odd case out, last time it was LFN, now it is Romániço.
I sincerely doubt if Romániço really belongs to this group. It is the odd case out. It is beautiful and unlike Esperanto and other derivatives, it is, at least to some extent, recognisable at first sight. Perhaps we always need an odd case out, last time it was LFN, now it is Romániço.
Here is a snippet from a lecture The Spirit of Japan by Rabindranath Tagore, translated from English into Arcaicam Esperantom, Esperanto, Reformed Esperanto (1894), Ido, Tomale Lingve and Romániço.
These aren't the only esperantidoj, there are many more but I didn't translate into others because I couldn't find grammars and dictionaries for them.
These aren't the only esperantidoj, there are many more but I didn't translate into others because I couldn't find grammars and dictionaries for them.
ANIMOM YAPANES (Arcaicam Esperantom)
Woyaghims multnatzioyn ed rencontrims homoyn cheyuyeys
claseys, sed nemyahem in woyagheys mihes, sentims prezentescam homes ityohem
clarœ, cuyohem in isityu landom. In altrigrandnatzioym,
signoym potentzes homes regait... ityœ, paradom ed extrawagatzom, per westoym, per meblarom, estait ectimigantaym.
...Sed, in Japanom, exposom potentzes, aù richesces, ned estat precipam elementom. Onwidat cheyœ emblemoym ames ed admires, ed ned tzephœ ambitzies ed awidesces.
...Sed, in Japanom, exposom potentzes, aù richesces, ned estat precipam elementom. Onwidat cheyœ emblemoym ames ed admires, ed ned tzephœ ambitzies ed awidesces.
Mi veturis multajn naciojn kaj renkontis homojn el ĉiuj klasoj, sed neniam dum miaj vojaĝoj, mi sentis la ĉeeston de homoj tiom klare, kiom en tiu ĉi lando. En aliaj grandaj nacioj, signoj de forto de homoj regas ĉie... tie, parado kaj ekstravaganco, per vestoj, per meblaro, estas ektimigantaj.
...Sed, en Japanujo, parado de forto, aŭ riĉeco ne estas la precipa eco. Ĉie oni vidas emblemojn de amo kaj admiro, kaj ne de ĉefe ambicioj kaj avideco.
LU ANIMO DE JAPANIO (Reformed Esperanto of 1894)
Mi vojagin in multe nazii e renkontrin al homi el omni klasi, sed nunkvam dum mie vojagi, mi sentin lu prezentito de homi tantu klare, kvantu in hik paeso. In ali grande nazii, signi de forto de homi regen partutu... ibu, parado e extravangazo, per vesti, per meblaro, esten ektimigente.
...Sed, in Japanio, parado de forto, u ricito ne esten lu precipe ito. Partutu on viden emblemi de amo e admiro, e ne de chefe ambicii e avidito.
Mi voyajis en multa nacioni e renkontris a homi de omna klasi, ma nulatempe dum mea voyagi, mi sentis la presenteso de homi tale klare, quale in ica naciono. En altra granda nacioni, signi de forto de homi regas omnaloke... ibe, parado ed extravago, per vesti, per moblaro, esas tresayiganti.
...Ma, en Japanio, parado de forto, o richeso ne esas la principua elemento. Omnaloke on vidas emblemi de amo e admiro, e ne de ambicii e avideso.
Mi vojagjis en multice nacies kai renkontis a homes of chiu klases, sed neniam dum meues vojagjes, mi sentis le prezenteske of homes tiom klarice, kiom en tiu chi lande. En alieske grandeskes nacies, signes of potence of homes regi chie... tie, multmontreske kai ekztravaganeske, per vestes, per meblare, estas ektimiganteskes.
...Sed, en Japanuio, multmontreske of forto, au richeske ne estas le precipeske elemente. Chie oni vidas emblemes of ame kai admire, e ne of ambicieskes kai avidesekes.
Mi viagin in multa nationos et incontrin a humanos di omna clasos, mas jamás dum mea viajos, mi sentin li presenta di humanos tanta clare, cuanta clare in ecuista paeso. In áltera granda nationos, signos di potentitio di humanos gubernen omnube... ilác, exposo et extravago, per tucos, per moblado, es mirabilioso.
...Mas, in Japano, exposo de potentitio, aut richitio, ne es li çhefa elemento. Omnube vu viden emblématos di amo et admiro, et ne di ambitiono et aviditio.
I have travelled in many countries and have met with men of all classes, but never in my travels did I feel the presence of the human so distinctly as in this land. In other great countries, signs of man's power loomed large... There, display and extravagance, in dress, in furniture, in costly entertainments, are startling.
...But, in Japan, it is not the display of power, or wealth, that is the predominating element. You see everywhere emblems of love and admiration, and not mostly of ambition and greed.
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